American Legion
Donald C Thompson Post 135
Cornville, Arizona
11350 Cornville Rd; P O Box 172, Cornville, AZ 86325

Since the ALA's inception on Nov. 10, 1919, Auxiliary members and nonmember volunteers have been tirelessly carrying out the ALA's commitment as a patriotic service organization whose mission would be to advocate for, help, and honor United States military, veterans, and their families, and support The American Legion.
We are the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Some of us are veterans ourselves.
Nationally, members have volunteered and served:
4 million hours volunteered in serving veterans and military
$1.1 billion value of members’ mission outreach
More than 8,000 local units
32,034 volunteer hours spent on and at ALA Girls State
$1.4 million presented in annual scholarships
3.6 million collected from distributing handmade poppies to benefit veterans programs
Learning opportunities through our Mission Training events and ALA Academy courses
Part of a membership that makes up The American Legion Family

Unit 135 - 2024 - 2025 Officers
Marie Sullivan, President Phyllis Kennedy, Judy Miller, Gabby Howard, Sharon Riffle
Jeanette Volk, Jeri Strande.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 135 was formed along with the Post in January, 2009. We recently changed the name of the Unit to: American Legion Auxiliary, Donald C Thompson Unit 135 in honor of a local Post member.
We meet the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Verde Valley Fire Station, No 32 at 1120 Page Springs Road in Cornville. The meeting begins at 6 pm.