American Legion
Donald C Thompson Post 135
Cornville, Arizona
11350 Cornville Rd; P O Box 172, Cornville, AZ 86325

Thanksgiving Raffle

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Each year, the Auxiliary sponsors a raffle to raise funds to adopt a family for Christmas from within the community with the help of the local school.
This year, the prize includes $100 in cash for the winner to use toward purchase of ingredients for their traditional Thanksgiving dinner or to be used to take the family to a local restaurant for a Thanksgiving dinner. In addition, the winner will receive a Thanksgiving centerpiece (see photo above) to decorate a place in their home.
Raffle tickets can be obtained by Auxiliary Members through Saturday, November 12th when the drawing will take place at the annual Post/Auxiliary Early Bird/Volunteer luncheon. The luncheon will start at 2 pm at VFW Post 7400 in Cottonwood, AZ
An Early Bird is a member that pays their dues by November 9th. As a Thank You, the Post/Auxiliary provides a luncheon for those members at no cost. If the member wishes to bring a guest, the cost is $5 per guest.
If a member recruits a new member by that date, the new member is invited to join the rest of the Early Birds.
Contact the Post/Auxiliary at 602-935-1936 for more information.